Let's see, what have I been up to lately....
Oh yes! Shindiging with the Browncoats of course :D
Saturday was lunch at the Lowenbrau, here's a pic of the meal hubby and I did NOT order! (I had the salmon :P)

After lunch we wandered around the markets at the Rocks for a while then I drove hubby and the kids home to a chorus of snores from Adam and Tom and constant bickering from David and Caitlin *grrrrr* We had dinner and then I went back to the city to re-join the Browncoats at the Orient. Where silly faces were the order of the day...

From the Orient we continued on to the Paragon for the playing of pool where we did our best to distract the boys :)

On Sunday we met up for Yum Cha at Pitt St Vegetarian, the yin to Lowenbrau's yang.

We parted company after Yum Cha, the Browncoats went on to join the Zombie Lurch and we went off to meet up with some of my extended family for afternoon tea - where I drank tea and did not partake in cake or gelato!
I wish we'd taken the time to see the start of the Zombie Lurch, the pics look great!
Have a look at these :)
Today Tom was back at pre-school and I had a quiet day at home with the other two. We went to my Mum's place for afternoon tea and a went for a walk, showed the kids where I went to primary school. After which I was feeling a bit worse for wear and decided to get KFC for the kids intending to have soup for myself...15.5 points later I'm feeling a bit queasy, oh well, never mind :P I'll walk it off tomorrow!