However, there's been a lot of fun had and life's like that, stuff happens, you deal, and then get on with it.
So, since I last posted here's what I've been up to:
Sat 24th June
- Equality Now/Serenity Now charity screening of Serenity at George St cinemas, we raised over $2000 for Equality Now :D
Me making silly faces as I encourage people to buy raffle tickets
- We then spent the afternoon lounging around waiting till it was time to head off for the Tripod gig, which was great fun - note to self: Attend more comedy gigs, laughter is good for the soul. And then got home at 2:00am, OMG my poor mother-in-law, I don't think she'll ever want to babysit again. My mum had the kids during the day.
Friday 30th June
- Dinner at a Thai restaurant with the mums and teachers from Tom's pre-school - so YUMMMY! (My mum babysitting again - the woman deserves a medal)
Thursday 6th July - Dave, Jacq and Looie, fellow browncoats, came for dinner (except Looie, he was running late :P) and then slept overnight in preparation for an early start for the Brisvegas Shindig. (This time it was hubby babysitting - oh boy do I OWE!)
Friday 7th July - 5:00am we were in the car waiting for the windows to de-mist so we could see to drive. Stopped for breakfast and desperately needed coffee at Taree. Lots of driving and a couple of stops later we arrived in Brisbane at 4:30pm. Shopped for booze - very important! The evening's entertainment consisted of a gathering of 20 or so people at the apartments us out-of-towners were staying at, we chose the guys' apartment to trash :P We ate drank and were very merry, tequila was involved if I remember correctly. Another highlight of the evening was hubby ringing to ask what he should do for dinner :D
Saturday 8th July - Those of us who could headed off to the markets for brunch, I bought, among other yummies, BANANAS OMG!!! (A mere $6 a kilo :P) We all bought badges, lots of them, think we made the badge selling lady's day if not week. The afternoon was spent wandering the mall in the city in search of toy shops, coffee and comic shops. Then we returned to the apartments to prepare for the main event of the weekend - 10 PIN BOWLING, during which I bowled abysmally but we won't talk about that. Then it was back to the apartments for party MkII which started off a little more sedate than the night before but apparently continued on till dawn ( I didn't make it past 1:00am)
Sunday 9th July - Morning arrived and we DIDN'T got to the museum, or anywhere else :P We were doing well to get ourselves out to lunch at a Vietnamese restaurant near chinatown, not the greatest food ever but it was cheap and the company was awesome :) After lunch we tracked down coffee in Brunswick St and eventually made our way back to the apartments for Party MkIII, there was coffee and DVD watching and going to bed "early" (it was still after midnight) on account of having to drive back to Sydney the next day.
Monday 10th July - Roadtrip home, we started a little later than planned but we made up for it by having very quick stops, grab and run at the golden arches for each toilet & food break. I got home at 10:00pm to discover all the kids were still up having baths and bedtime stories! But it was kind of nice to see them all after being away for so long :)
Tuesday 11th July - Week 21 weigh-in - OMG soooo tired, had to go to my meeting though, I'm helping with the weighing now so I've got no choice! Truly astonishing loss of 1.2kg, must have been all the walking all over Brisbane that we did. Took the kids to see Pirates of the Carribean 2 in the afternoon, not as good as the first one, the kids complained that it didn't make sense, they were right.
Wednesday 12th July - Headed off to Jenolan caves, met my mum at Mt Victoria (she came on holiday with us). Arrived at the caves at 10:30ish and booked in to do the Lucas cave (1.5 hours, 910 steps) at 12:30am and the Orient cave (1.5 hours 358 steps) at 3:15pm. I was a little concerned that it would be too much for the kids but they managed just fine and were very well behaved (but very tired by the end of the day). As for me, I had planned to avoid the Lucas cave 'cause it was rated as "harder" for fitness level so I was very pleased to discover that I didn't have any trouble getting through the tours. I'm quite sure 6 months ago I simply couldn't have done it. But oh the pain! afterwards, it was agony walking downhill for several days! We stayed overnight at Caves House in "The Cottage" which has two 3 bedroom self-contained units, and is located at the very highest point in the complex which meant we got to walk up and down a bloody great hill several times during the day as well as all that stair climbing LOL. Dinner was delish and dessert was a free buffet - oh dear :P
Thursday 13th July - Back to Mt Victoria for morning tea at Pulpit Rock, very short bushwalk to magnificent lookout, pretty view but we all ended up with frozen bums from sitting on the rock. Mum headed off to meet up with friends for lunch and we went to Katoomba with plans for an easy bushwalk and picnic lunch. The kids rebelled, too tired, so no bushwalk, just a picnic at Echo Point and then in the car for the trip home.
Sunday 16th July - Brunch at a cafe in Enmore with a few browncoat buddies and then off to do some fancy dress shopping at Gallery Serpentine. Why? I hear you ask, well the others are going to a fancy dress ball at the end of the month and I just thought it would be fun:)
I bought the corset, don't know how long it'll fit me for, it's a size 18 though so I should get quite a few dress-up-for-parties wears out of it before I shrink so much that I need a new one. Hubby was quite taken with it....
All of which pretty much brings us to today and Week 22 weigh in - My indulgences of the past week or so caught up with me with a vengeance, 2.2kg gain. But I'm looking ahead, not behind, and I can see good things on the horizon!