Whenever I come to write a Friday Fragments post I am reminded that it would be a very good idea to have a draft open all week and pop all the little bits and pieces of the week straight in there to be ready for sharing with the world at the end of the week. And then I remember that all those little bits and pieces are being loosed into the intertubes as they happen in the form of
my tweets. But tweets are so ephemeral, they appear in people's twitter feeds, scroll down the page and are gone. So I feel totally justified in reproducing the content of them here - with bonus elaboration of course!
Things that made me tweet this week:
1. Adam found this in the garage
It's the exoskeleton of a huntsman spider - it's what is left behind when one moults in order to get bigger. I prefer not to think about the gap under the door between the garage and the hall outside our bedroom.
2. Stripey socks. There was talk on my twitter feed of stripey socks and the need for shoes and clothing that would adequately show off the wonderousness of stripey socks. Or indeed any other kind of socks of awesomeness. And then someone mentioned Fluevog shoes and before I know it I'm coveting
a pair of these.

And I don't
do shoes, especially ones with heels. But I might have to now.
3. On Monday morning I was
at a cafe in Galleries Victoria drinking coffee when a choir appeared on the mezzanine level and started singing. I duly videoed their performance and afterwards went up to the conductor, said nice things about the singing and asked if he was ok with me putting the video on youtube and what the name of the choir was. Turned out they were a choir from St Columba Anglican School in Port Macquarie. When I'd made a note of that and written down someone's email to send a link to, the announcement of "You're going to be on youtube" was greeted by cheering :-) And so they are.
4. I then met up with the completely awesome Emma who arrived from New Zealand on Monday morning and the rest of my tweets for the day went like this:
- OMG I'm melting! Have been walking round city. Stopping for lunch now.
We had caught the monorail to the Entertainment Centre carpark, a taxi to Em's hotel, then walked back to the monorail station, caught the monorail to Pitt St Mall and walked down the mall.
- I've just sat down in a cafe in Strand Arcade and a bloke walked past singing. This is getting weird. Lunch was a scrumptious BLT with an enormous amount of bacon and a Bundaberg ginger beer. Yum.
- Sitting on Manly warf waiting for ferry after having icecream & paddling in ocean. There's a Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream place at Manly now, and they have free internets! So we clearly had to go there. Then we took off our shoes and socks and paddled! See, proof:
- Beer! We took a taxi to Chinatown and eventually ended up in a blissfully air-conditioned pub while we waited for Adam to arrive with the kids so we could...
- Finished the day with dinner at the Marigold in Chinatown. I am knackered but it was totally worth it - fabulous day with the lovely Emma :)
5. I may have ranted slightly about P&C stuff, but that stuff gets no elaboration. I also may have mentioned all the work I was doing on the
P&C blog because it's horribly lonely on a blog with no visitors. Happily the school community is slowly discovering it and lots of people have said nice things to me about it. When they look slightly awed by the hours I've spent on it I tell them it's partly about me teaching myself Wordpress blogging stuff and other things and that I'm quite happy to donate my time in that way because I'm getting something out of it too.
And there were way too many uses of the word "it" in that paragraph. But I can't be bothered rephrasing.
6. Wednesday afternoon was shaping up to be a bit of a logistical nightmare but
my mother was awesome again: "My mother turned up to play kid-taxi driver thus turning my extremely stressful afternoon into a perfectly manageable one. I luffs her."
7. By Thursday night I was a little worse for wear: "I'm too shattered to even muster an arrrgh! of frustration tonight. All I've got is a whimper. *whimpers*" I am seriously looking forward to this time next month, when I will no longer be the P&C President and Things
TM will become Somebody Else's Problem. It's been satisfying and I feel pretty good about what I've done over the last 2 years but I've also had enough and it's time to move on.
8. Adam has been brewing, we have homemade ginger beer in the fridge and there is a bottle of mead brewing in my lounge room.
This is the first time he's done mead, it'll be interesting to see how it turns out!
And there you have it, my week in tweets. Apologies to those who'd been along for the ride the first time 'round, if you've read this far!
Now you can all head on over to
Half-Past Kissin' Time and check out the rest of the Friday Fragmenters.