Wednesday, October 22, 2008

To do list

There's a whole bunch of stuff cluttering up my brain. Things that need doing, people I need to speak to, places I need to be, forms to fill out, plans to make, invitations to send, lists to write, all of it whirling around popping in and out of my conscious mind at random. I'm feeling paralyzed by the confusion unable to focus on anything and consequently stressing out even more over the most trivial things.

The answer is simple of course. I need to write a list. But hang on, there's all sorts of different types of things in my head, one list won't do the trick, it'll be too unwieldy, too overwhelming.

So it'll have to be a bunch of different lists. Let's see.

  • One for getting the house under control, de-cluttering and cleaning, that sort of thing (there's one thing I don't have to put on that list, I bought a new toilet seat and installed it on the weekend - Yay! No more broken loo seat!).
  • One for people I need to talk to about P&C stuff.
  • Fill in my calendar properly, that takes care of the places I need to be part.
  • Go through the in-tray and find all the mail that hasn't been dealt with.
  • One for the Christmas Party invites, and then send out the invites.
  • One for birthday present shopping (why must half my extended family have birthdays in Oct-Dec?)
  • One for Christmas shopping (if I don't start now I'm so doomed, especially now I'm working).
  • One for Christmas cards (then ignore it as I do every year, who am I kidding?)
  • One for the P&C reports and presentations I have to write for various end of year events.

Damn it, I need to get back to carrying my diary with me wherever I go, then I wouldn't have to write lists of the lists I need to write.

I'm just going to label this time of year list season and be done with it.


yodaobi said...

First thing to put on your list...

OOH maybe you can make your lists part of NaBloPoMo

mimbles said...

I've been toying with using the clean and de-clutter the house thing as a source of posts, I remember reading someone's blog who did that last November. She took before and after photos and blogged the transformation.

I think I'll need to be a bit more structured with my posting this time, I find I'm often very tired after a day at work and have no creative energy for writing so it would be good to have something to default to when I don't have anything exciting to say LOL Menu plans will be back for sure!

Mel said...

Christmas shopping. Hmmm. If I put it to the back of my mind will it go away?

Ariane said...

Oh dear, I haven't even made it to making lists of lists yet. And the birthdays start in a week....