Sunday, May 23, 2010

Blacktown Medieval Fayre

Unknown Mami

I have a new apron dress! This is very exciting! No, really!

It started with a beautiful length of handwoven woollen cloth made by the very talented Pat which I bought at the Armidale Easter camp. I made a piece of tablet weaving with the intention of using it for the straps on the dress. The cloth and the braid sat looking at me expectantly while I dithered for weeks on account of really having no idea what to do next. Then this morning, I was talking to Deb, and the subject of how much I hate sewing came up, one thing led to another, a little bit of barter came in to play, and the next thing I know she's hand sewing my dress for me, with an antler needle and hand-spun woollen thread and using hand-made brass pins no less! And the best bit? Not one scrap of either the cloth or the braid was wasted.

Me in my new apron dress with Deb, seamstress extraordinaire.

My new apron dress

We were at the Blacktown Medieval Fayre with the Ancient Arts Fellowship as part of a living history display this weekend.

The Ancient Arts Fellowship encampment

Ancient Arts Fellowship encampment

Adam had his pole lathe set up and we had the tent with our replica Viking bed on display.

The kids hanging out in our tent

The kids in our tent

The group's camp kitchen attracted much interest as various meals were cooked, lunch on Saturday was coq au vin, Saturday dinner was beef stew with dumplings while Sunday lunch was pumpkin soup with bacon and sour cream followed by a lamb stew.

Adam in the kitchen

Adam in the kitchen

Beef stew with dumplings

Beef stew with dumplings

The Craft Geteld

The craft geteld

The Craft Geteld housed a display of textiles crafts, we had drop spindle spinning of both wool and flax, tablet weaving, sewing, naalbinding, embroidery, viking wire weaving and finger loop braiding happening at various times during the day.

That empty seat next to Deb is where I spent most of today.

Spinning, weaving, sewing

There was jousting, fighting, executions, pike and musket drills, theatrical swordplay, plenty of market stalls and even free pony and camel rides. Tom had three camel rides and neither Adam or I were there to take a photo of any of them. Independent kids are such a trial!

I was going to throw a whole bunch of other photos in here too but my Flickr upload is taking for freakin' EVER and I am very, very tired. So I'm going to bed. But I may add more photos in the morning. Or I might not. Who knows!

Don't forget to head on over to Unknown Mami's to see what's being shared by all the other fabulous Sundays in My City bloggers!


Julie said...

Wuhoo ... how wonderful is this. What an interesting circuit you belong to. I could not go to this one, had I even known it was on. I was at the Writers' Festival for the last three days.

This looks just terrific. Just one thing ... you said barter came into play. Is it polite to ask what you traded for the sewing?

mimbles said...

@Julie Sure, it's not a secret or anything :-) I gave her the yellow, orange and green Kivrim weave that I did when I was at the Armidale camp at Easter.

Leslie said...

cool fun! We have a renfest in our town in September. It is a huge ~ people love it.
Hope you had a blast~

Deborah Lane said...

I love my braid. Thank you :)

But frankly I would have done it for the pleasure of doing it. It was a first for me. The hand sewing with the antler needle and hand spun thread that is. And the cloth was so lovely to work with.

That I got it all done today was a blast too. Even with the occasional interruption of how to spin, naalbinding and demonstrate the fire striker.

I'm still on a high from that. My poor husband's ear is bleeding.

Anonymous said...

what fun you all had! Thanks for sharing the pictures Mim.

Sonya said...

Wow I would love to see that looks like so much fun! Love the apron dress!

Formerly known as Frau said...

Wow looks like a fun event and wonderful pictures.

Nancy C said...

Super cool. The food looks delicious.

Joanna Jenkins said...

Beef stew with dumplings!!! That looks seriously good.

What a blast this Fair is. You're rocking the apron dress too!

What a great time. Thanks for sharing.

Happy SMIC,

Claudya Martinez said...

It always blows my mind when you take into the past. Love your new apron dress!

Karen Mello Burton said...

That looks like fun! I love anything from this period in history. :)

Erin said...

That looks like SO much fun! I LOVE things like that!! And the new apron dress...Love it!

Chally said...

What a beautiful dress!

Raymonde said...

Love it. They are so unique. Thanks for

cat said...

These medievel reinactments seem so much fun.

Jenny said...

This is a fascinating post to me! You look spiffy in your new dress!

Mrs4444 said...

What a perfect SiMC post! Very cool. I love your apron dress--you look adorable :)

Anonymous said...

Now that is one seriously amazing adventure, what fun. I love your new dress, great bartering!

Mel said...

Love that not only are you having fun, but that the whole family is onvolved. So cool.