Sunday, May 09, 2010

Sundays In My City

Unknown Mami
Hosted by Unknown Mami

Today I was treated to breakfast in bed. I received flowers, tea and chocolates, lots of cuddles, and the mini french press for coffee that I've been coveting for a while. Then I lay in bed with my book, my laptop (so I could write my post for my Mum) and a cup of tea for an utterly indulgent extra couple of hours. I had to get up in the end because the amazing smells that were drifting through the house as Adam cooked up an Anglo-Saxon feast for lunch were making my tummy rumble.

We sat on the front deck for lunch with the sun filtering down through the tree branches and the occasional leaf falling into our plates.

We mostly don't get proper autumn leaves here in Sydney, they just go vaguely yellow-brown and fall off.

Looking up through the liquid amber tree

Lunch was an Anglo-Saxon feast.

Mother's Day 2010

Afterwards I took my camera into our front garden to capture the little bits of autumn colour we do get. Our tibouchina trees are in bloom with masses of purple flowers.

Tibouchina flower.

Tibouchina bloom

The bees are making the most of the last few grevillea flowers.

Grevillea and bee

I hope all you wonderful mums out there had a fantastic Mother's Day. I've been thinking of those for whom Mother's Day is a difficult time, I hope for you that there was kindness and love in your day from the people around you and possibly chocolate too.


Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day Mim. Sounds like you had an excellent day. That Anglo Saxon feast looks lovely. I also really love your grevillea photo, they are one of my favourite natives.

Leslie said...

Lovely photos!! Happy Mother's day to you.

May said...

That's a feast fit for a Queen!!!! Happy Mother's Day to you!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy mother's day. Lovely photos.

Louise said...

Holy smokes, Mim, that lunch looks utterly delicious!

Glad you had a great Mothers Day. Now that you are looking at the trees turning their leaves brown, I am so happy that here in my hemisphere, they have just sprung with green :-) Have a great day.


Sonya said...

WOW that food looks amazing! the flowers are so beautiful:)

Joanna Jenkins said...

Oh, oh, oh-- Your photos are wonderful and your day sound divine!
Happy Mother's Day!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Looks like a terrific Sunday in your city!

Mrs4444 said...

Holy cow! That last shot is AMAZING. Glad you had a great day :)

Erin said...

Happy Mother's Day!
Great shots of the flowers....
but all that food....Looks DELISH!!

suze2000 said...

What a great day you must have had. Of course it's well-deserved!

Sorry we didn't get together with you guys while we were there - we really wanted to keep it small and low-key because it's likely the only holiday we'll get this year. We are still hoping that we're able to make it up to your Xmas party this year though. Shift roster permitting, of course. :)

Penthe said...

Feast and feast of flowers.

Eternal Lizdom said...

Beautiful pics, Mim!!! A lovely day for a lovely mama!

Claudya Martinez said...

You take the most fantastic pictures of flowers.

I'm glad you were given the royal treatment for Mother's Day!

Hi from Ruth! said...

THe picture of the pink flower and the bee totally captivates me...I've been staring at it for the last two minutes!

I'm glad you had a great Mother's Day. Hats off to Adam for cooking such an awesome meal...looks totally delish.


cat said...

Great to see you had a great mother's day.

Jim said...

Looked yummy.
Sydney - City and Suburbs