Giving people things makes me happy. I could do with a happiness and Christmas* spirit boost around about now so I'm going to indulge myself by giving some stuff away. I'm hoping that you my readers, yes both of you, will aid me in this act of self-indulgence by either entering my little give-away or passing the links on to others who might be tempted, or possibly both! I'm not fussy!
Over the next few days I will be adding things to the pile of goodies and on Friday I will open entries to the give-away. Entries will close Monday afternoon and with any luck I'll get the parcel/s in the post in time to make its way to where ever the lucky winner/s is/are before Christmas. (I have decision making issues. One big hamper or should I break it up into stuff for little kids and stuff for grown up kids? 'Cause we're all kids at Christmas, yes?)
First in the collection is a pair of my Christmas tree earrings, mostly because I already have a photo of them. I'll even let you pick which colour.
Now I'm off to play with my box of new beads that was delivered this morning, I'm hoping the stuff I've ordered can be turned into snowman earrings. Watch this space for the results!
* I almost put "xmasolstichanukkwanzaa" in here instead (filched from tigtog), or possibly "Giftmas" as a Facebook friend of mine likes to call it. I feel like I ought to do that because of the whole being inclusive and not being religious myself thing. But it really is Christmas that's being celebrated in my house, complete with all the childhood memories and family rituals that are associated with that word, so Christmas it stays. Because, you see, I really like Christmas.
Wanna take bets on how often I can justify linking to that this month? I promise not to embed it every time :-)
Hubble's Andromeda Galaxy Mosaic
7 hours ago
Mim I like the green pair and will pay for them if you tell me the price. Send me an email.
OMG those earrings are the bomb! I love the white ones. How clever are you?!
I have loved those earrings forever and I am going to win me a pair!
On another note, and i should preface this by saying, i am probably pmsing and definatly had a shitty morning and am sleep deprived, but that is the first time I have clicked on that link and now i am crying my heart out and it's all your fault! Not over the religious stuff, but because I have had such a bloody horrid 3 months and I have been feeling so jaded about Xmas this year and now i feel like I'm ruining my children's memories by being a total cow. And I miss my life over there!!!!!!!!!!!!
Right, sorry, that was a bit emotional.
BTW, on your other post, best way to find a birth certificate is to pay $60 for a replacement one :)
@Toni The earrings are for sale in my Made by Mim shop (linked at the top of the right sidebar). I'm pretty sure I know who you are but your blogger profile doesn't have any info so if my email is going to completely the wrong person, you'll know why ;-)
@Bri :-) Less clever than you might think, it's an adaption of a design I've seen elsewhere!
@Sim White Wine in the Sun makes me cry every time I hear it, especially the "seeing my...gran" bit this year. I'm totally having to bootstrap myself into having any Christmas spirit, it's all a bit fake it till you make it at the moment. Kid's memories are a wonderfully selective thing, they'll be fine.
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