Saturday, November 06, 2010

Sleeping - a picspam post

I was going back through all my photos on my laptop looking for images for another post that's sitting in my drafts folder and I kept coming across photos of me or one of the kids with either a child or a pet asleep on top of us.

Here they are.

Tom, post spag bol, with Samantha
Aug '05

Tom and Samantha

Me with Samantha
Sept '04

Me with Samantha

Me with Tom
April '03
Ok, we might be foxing just a little bit in this one.
Me and Tom

Me with Tom
Dec '02

Me and Tom

Caitlin with James
not sure of the date, she'd have been 2-ish

Caitlin and James

50 Things post No 17


 Aphie said...

*iz ded from cute*
What is it about sleeping? The helpless thing?

Anonymous said...

Great photos Mim. I really love the first one of Tom with Samantha. The ones of you guys together are great. And boy does Caitlin look little in the last one!

Claudya Martinez said...

Love them all. Puts me in the mood for a snugly nap.

suze2000 said...

Okay I so need to go back to bed now.

blue milk said...

That is soooo lovely to look through. Thanks for posting.

Penny said...

now I wants a furry sleepy companion..

Sleepydumpling said...

I suddenly feel so very, very... very... sleepy... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz