Or even just plain old wholes apparently.
Somehow NaBloPoMo's 30 posts in 30 days turned into 41 posts in 30 days. What can I say? Once you're floundering for something of interest to post pretty much anything starts to look post-worthy! It's been fun, I've found new blogs to read and I've spent way too much time sitting on the lounge with my laptop on my knee and the dog cuddled up against my leg and there's been a whole heap of new traffic here in my little corner of the net. It's been lovely to "meet" those of you who have left comments, thank you for dropping by :)
Now, I suppose I'd better get on with the stuff on my to do list for today, first up - wash the dog!
Hubble's Andromeda Galaxy Mosaic
7 hours ago
Well done Mim!
Yeah! You did it!
We did it
I thought I did well doing 31 posts in 30 days... ACTUALLY if you count the three posts I did yesterday it's more.
Congratulations Mim! I am very impressed. :)
(My random word verification for today is - spewan. Just saying)
Great work Mim, we made it! But your exceeding expectations has seriously impressed me.
Congrats to you Mim as well. I also made more posts than the 30 I was "supposed" to do. And I have gotten around the blogosphere a lot, which I have truly enjoyed.
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