Saturday, November 20, 2010

OOTD - Another new necklace!

I'm off to Caitlin's second dance concert of the week tonight and I'm taking my new fabulous fat necklace out for a spin

Tunic - Autograph
Leggings - Target
Shoes - Mathers
Necklace - Definatalie

I didn't get a close-up of the necklace in the outfit I'm wearing now, but here's the one I took the day it arrived in the post.

My "fat" necklace from Definatalie arrived


Di said...

Yay!!!! So wish I'd gotten the necklace. Hopefully next time they become available :)
Have fun at the concert!

Deborah said...

Fabulous outfit, Mim, and that's such a great necklace.

Kristin - The Goat said...

That's great!

Kristin _ The Goat

suze2000 said...

I love that necklace. It's such a "so there!" thing to wear. :)